be better, daily life, faith, goals, makeup, something new, Uncategorized

The Big Move

It's happening! It's really happening! My new site is LIVE to the public today. This is a huge accomplishment and something I am truly proud of. It felt like this day would never come, but it has and I am over joyed. I am thankful for the many blessings God has given me, and this… Continue reading The Big Move

cats, daily life, faith

Whiny Wednesday #3

Yes, you can grab a glass of wine for this, but that is not what this is. Whiny Wednesday is your one chance to whine or complain about the things going on in your life. Intrigued? We all know my motto: "Be better today than I was yesterday, everyday." With that being said, there is still crap that happens in our lives. It is hard to roll with the punches being thrown at you everyday. It is ok to have a bad day. That is why I feel like we all need a day to vent, and then we can move on.